Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010


after long craptastic days,
I like to escape into the world of blogs,deviants,photographs...
& my imagination :)


Sunday, July 18, 2010


5 favourite songs of all time

1) Samson - Regina Spektor
2) I'll be seeing you - Billie Holiday
3) Georgia on my mind - Ray Charles
4) The Blues - Switchfoot
5) In my arms - Jon Foreman

Monday, July 12, 2010

I could be doing other things right now...

summer school is just not fun anymore.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


It's like the dawn. Unbelievably beautiful and rich in colours. The rich purple pink hue mixed with the pale orangey-red. The colours around you mirror the flood of emotions that are bubbling inside.
The bliss you feel walking through the mist lets you glimpse into what you may be missing everyday.

It teases you for twenty minutes showing you nature's beauty and splendor, then it's gone.
It melts away gradually but you feel as though it's running away from you just because you want it to stay.
And all you can do is sit and watch this moment you've become attached to steer away from you like it has all of the other times you've stopped to watch it sailing by.

And although it's the daylight that you should be looking forward to, you can't help but be disappointed that the sunrise is the only part you really want to see. The only part that doesn't stay.

But I guess everyone should first experience that sunrise so that when the daylight must come, the memories of dawn illuminates throughout the whole day.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hello Hurricane.

You can't silence my love.